Despite our best efforts to save a tooth, sometimes tooth extraction is the only alternative. Many factors can contribute to this, extensive trauma, decay, gum disease or badly cracked or broken teeth. Teeth may also need to be removed because they are poorly positioned in the mouth such as impacted teeth or in preparation for orthodontic treatment. There are two main types of dental extractions: simple extraction and surgical extraction.
When the tooth is visible above the gum line and your dentist can easily remove it, and there is no need for sutures, the procedure is called a simple extraction. There are times when a simple extraction turns into a surgical one. If a tooth breaks off during the procedure, for instance, surgical techniques may be necessary to remove it.
Surgical tooth extractions are tooth removal procedures in which surgical access is required to completely remove the tooth. Even if the tooth is visible in the mouth, surgical techniques may be necessary to remove the tooth. This includes sectioning the tooth in two or more pieces, whether or not a soft tissue incision is made. Extensively damaged teeth and teeth with multiple curved roots frequently require extraction by surgical technique when removal is necessary. Teeth which have been endodontically treated (root canaled) and later need to be removed will more than likely require surgical techniques as their roots tend to be brittle. The surgical extraction of teeth may sound daunting, but with today’s modern procedures, Dr. Gandhi’s gentle manner and anesthesia, you have nothing to worry about. The removal of a single tooth without replacement can lead to problems related to your chewing ability, problems with your jaw joint, and shifting teeth, which can have a major impact on your dental health. After the procedure, you and Dr. Gandhi can discuss tooth replacement options to restore the function and beauty of your smile.
Ridge preservation after extraction:
If the tooth being removed is going to be replaced with an implant or a fixed bridge, Dr. Gandhi may recommend placing bone graft material in the area to significantly slow down the bone resorption process and preserve the bone height and width at its pre-extraction level. If ridge preservation is not done at the time of extraction, the height and width of the bone ridge will immediately begin to deteriorate (shrink) with the healing process.
Placement of an immediate dental implant:
Certain teeth may be candidates for immediate replacement with dental implants. If no acute infection is present and the bony socket is intact, you and Dr. Gandhi may plan for immediate placement of a dental implant upon removal of the tooth. A bone graft may be required at the same time.